Online Tabletop Roleplaying Game


PXP / Rank 2022  ·  Adventurer ?
Location Blighttown
Special Ability Having hands
Player Experience Points (PXP)

You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.

You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.

It is updated up to an hour after each session.

Profile Ranks

100 Wanderer
1000 Adventurer
5000 Hero
10000 Avatar
20000 Legend
30000 Immortal
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Characters  31
Treasures  8
Followers  11 / 25
Membership Advanced
Joined 06.01.2018
Last Visit 02.12.2019
XP Recv'd 95
XP Given 57
I play alot of medfan and will prob like your session if its not too strict. ( i play alot of knights i mean ALOT of knights)
Jayvar the Flame Knight 36 xp GM:  hammer
Ghimane the Cursed 31 xp GM:  jollybros
Vyvheil the Fallen Knight 14 xp GM:  elymas
Kynvenn the Knight 9 xp GM:  ibell
Yeljhor the Mercenary 6 xp GM:  hammer
Syjor the Fire Knight 6 xp GM:  derekmelton
Naymel the Young Buisnessmen 6 xp GM:  seanisaswom
Flynn the Crusader 6 xp GM:  ddrage
Mylorlyn the Champion 4 xp GM:  jollybros
Martiem the Paladin 3 xp GM:  spidermod
Heinfil the Exiled 3 xp GM:  thehunter123
Yelsew the Crusader 3 xp GM:  otisjustotis
Myorsoge the Fallen Knight 2 xp GM:  baragon
Victor the Trickster 1 xp GM:  eternallist
Omnyi the Dimension Warper 0 xp GM:  darkwanderer
Uranai the Wip 0 xp GM:  otisjustotis
Eligh the Spec Ops 0 xp GM:  derekmelton
Naioty the Vampire Slayer 0 xp GM:  darkwanderer
Salien the Knight 0 xp GM:  itmaster
Fyleil the Crestfallen 0 xp GM:  seanisaswom
Henjorvin the Vampire Hunter 0 xp GM:  joey1234567
Myoilyn the Cursed Knight 0 xp GM:  trotrigar
Yeet the Vhielyn 0 xp GM:  pikachu12345
Giployln the Crestfallen 0 xp GM:  pimi
Apolyn the Knight 0 xp GM:  aurumsol19
Daubaney the Knight 0 xp GM:  ripripla
Vyvheil the Fallen Knight 0 xp GM:  starkillerrx
Yygh the Yyyyyyygh 0 xp GM:  jollybros
Venheim the Red Knight 0 xp GM:  starkillerrx
Ensper the Trickster 0 xp GM:  trdragonking
Jack the Crusader 0 xp GM:  fenriswolf91
Beta Tester
Completed Profile
Wanderer - 100 pxp
Adventurer - 1,000 pxp
Following 10 GMs
Played with 5 GMs
Played with 10 GMs