Online Tabletop Roleplaying Game


PXP / Rank 5358  ·  Hero ?
Location Arnhem, Netherlands
Special Ability Procrastionation
Player Experience Points (PXP)

You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.

You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.

It is updated up to an hour after each session.

Profile Ranks

100 Wanderer
1000 Adventurer
5000 Hero
10000 Avatar
20000 Legend
30000 Immortal
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Characters  55
Treasures  9
Followers  21 / 31
Membership Advanced
Joined 04.22.2016
Last Visit 06.14.2022
XP Recv'd 324
XP Given 202
Hello all. I'm new here, and to table top gaming in general, I have read a lot about it but never before participated in an event, Online or IRL.

Despite my location tag, I only speak English, sorry about that.

I'm not really interested in being a GM just yet, but I want to start playing table top games and this looks like a good place to start. I am most interested in the medieval fantasy genre, and my intended playstyle would be that of a tank class, though I'm unsure how applicable that is here.

I look forward to grand adventures going forth!
Asnan the The Wise 100 xp GM:  quentin
Roran the Guardian 41 xp GM:  trisaiah
Glarin the Shield Bearer 21 xp GM:  starkillerrx
Kodai the Tactical Officer 20 xp GM:  bonechewer15
Mithrandir the Maier Wizard 15 xp GM:  demonohell
Guts the Berserker 14 xp GM:  gazh
Tolman the Burglar 14 xp GM:  indicorb
Gregor the Mercenary 10 xp GM:  randysavage8
Grannar the Guardian 10 xp GM:  knightspite
Asthos the Knight of Michael 9 xp GM:  quentin
George the Dragon Slayer 7 xp GM:  feranard
Genji the Ninja 7 xp GM:  dragontail
Krucx the Forgotten 6 xp GM:  jediofrealms
Venemir the Knight 6 xp GM:  arkdude
Wu-Shen the Sniper 5 xp GM:  captainsnake
O'Connor the Mad Irish Lad 5 xp GM:  daretobe
Uther the Dark Knight 5 xp GM:  vechmaster
Hevy the Useless Geek 4 xp GM:  jediofrealms
Zarten the Commando 4 xp GM:  dragontail
Gorfel the Berserker 4 xp GM:  eithi007
Erentim the Ranger 4 xp GM:  mrcheese
Granog the Paladin 4 xp GM:  gogogamingyt
Stoneheart the Man of Stone 4 xp GM:  starkillerrx
Obi-Wan the Knight 3 xp GM:  pyrak
Churchill the Prime Minister 1 xp GM:  jediofrealms
Edolas the Horse Master 1 xp GM:  granitewhite
Joshua the Gardener 0 xp GM:  quentin
Gringel the Theif 0 xp GM:  hevyupgrade
Glorik the Hell Forger 0 xp GM:  humon
Guts the Berserker 0 xp GM:  quentin
Lizandero the Humble Bard 0 xp GM:  demonohell
McCree the Vigilante 0 xp GM:  kierbrony
Namor the Holy Paladin 0 xp GM:  hustle
Chrom the Lord 0 xp GM:  arkdude
Arthur the Hero 0 xp GM:  demonohell
Keklord the Internet Troll 0 xp GM:  roscoetalbot
Obi-Wan the Jedi Master 0 xp GM:  starkillerrx
Thrain the Berserker 0 xp GM:  hustle
Zantren the Commando 0 xp GM:  dragontail
Gwarz the Pub Brawler 0 xp GM:  zomb
Orik the Dwarf Prince 0 xp GM:  baragon
Vadeirez the Dark Lord 0 xp GM:  starkillerrx
Centorea the Centaur Archer 0 xp GM:  doomweaver13
Virgil the Engineer 0 xp GM:  zomb
Longshot the Clone Trooper 0 xp GM:  starkillerrx
Reinhardt the Crusader 0 xp GM:  dragontail
Slizar the Nimbler 0 xp GM:  trisaiah
Winston the Detective 0 xp GM:  edward
Kamina the Samurai 0 xp GM:  edon1234
Etrigan the Demon 0 xp GM:  trisaiah
Lazarus the Paladin 0 xp GM:  chiibz
Azarath the Demon Knight 0 xp GM:  prometheuz
Thanundril the Mage 0 xp GM:  ossenagon
Aslan the Roamer 0 xp GM:  captainm
Rentarus the Demon Lord 0 xp GM:  thedanddgirl
Beta Tester
Completed Profile
Wanderer - 100 pxp
Adventurer - 1,000 pxp
Hero - 5,000 pxp
Following 10 GMs
Played with 5 GMs
Played with 10 GMs