Online Tabletop Roleplaying Game


PXP / Rank 14562  ·  Avatar ?
Location the darkness
Special Ability being evil
Player Experience Points (PXP)

You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.

You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.

It is updated up to an hour after each session.

Profile Ranks

100 Wanderer
1000 Adventurer
5000 Hero
10000 Avatar
20000 Legend
30000 Immortal
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Characters  39
Treasures  8
Followers  33 / 47
Membership Advanced
Joined 12.11.2016
Last Visit 02.20.2025
XP Recv'd 464
XP Given 243
I usually play the most unique chars i can think of (or whichever i am most in the mood and mind set for) i love to play vampires and elves the most though...heh magic as a whole usually interests me to and anything to do with demons or blood pacts or anything of that sort is also my go to!...but...honestly i will probably f up your games with my antics and mischief but sometimes that's just what you need (is also priestess of spoop)
Ari the Cleric 22 xp GM:  bluephoenix
Bella the Recon 14 xp GM:  lacergunn
Hakimo the Idf Captain 10 xp GM:  zuulara
Ari the Rights Activist 7 xp GM:  spidermod
Eanaa the Fighter 0 xp GM:  masipie
Hecate the Girl 0 xp GM:  rubberducky
Artosi the Chiss 0 xp GM:  papergeek
Notekeeper the Notekeeper 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Ophelia the Merchant 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Maxine the Honour Guard 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Phoebe the Mystery Songtress 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Naryaa the Scout Captain 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Cupcake the Undead Mystery 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Muffin the Mystery 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Amalia the Dark Angel Ranger 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Cutter the Idf Agent 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Mini-claw the Tactician 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Moira the Traveling Vendor 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Elizabeth the Merchant 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Lissie the Lady of Freedom 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Taanya the Hollow 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Sei the Corrupt Lightborn 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Atiyah the Rogue General 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Mayuko the Warrior 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Indigo the Noble 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Cass the The White Witch 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Layla the Plushie Merchant 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Carly the Survivor 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Talia the Survivor 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Miamo the Sniper 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Laura the Killer 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Saadah-ty the Dark Jedi 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Trayan the Red Sith Queen 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Emily the Freelance Agent 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Chi-cholaa the Doctor 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Zoe the Void Walker 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Urla the Spirit 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Zaleena the Retired Mage Blade 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Fall-oota the Slayer 0 xp GM:  zuulara
Beta Tester
Completed Profile
Wanderer - 100 pxp
Adventurer - 1,000 pxp
Hero - 5,000 pxp
Avatar - 10,000 pxp
Following 10 GMs