Online Tabletop Roleplaying Game


PXP / Rank 1550  ·  Adventurer ?
Location U.S.
Special Ability anything
Player Experience Points (PXP)

You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.

You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.

It is updated up to an hour after each session.

Profile Ranks

100 Wanderer
1000 Adventurer
5000 Hero
10000 Avatar
20000 Legend
30000 Immortal
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Characters  37
Treasures  9
Followers  53 / 32
Membership Advanced
Joined 11.16.2017
Last Visit 03.11.2024
XP Recv'd 137
XP Given 64
howdy folks im a gamer that loves games like zelda which slowly led me down a rabbit hole to dnd which im still new to but willing to learn
Georf the Demigod 100 xp GM:  mushroom
Oliver the Prince of the Sea 80 xp GM:  second
Shikako the Shark Sweeper 24 xp GM:  agawryn
Horando the Weaponsmith 10 xp GM:  gillaugj
Domius the Trap Setter 6 xp GM:  fremkun
Sokol the Winged Child 4 xp GM:  diesuki
Link the Bandit 4 xp GM:  araldyn
Leonard the Necromancer 3 xp GM:  bluephoenix
Boris the Dark Mage 3 xp GM:  baragon
Elliot the Warrior 2 xp GM:  mushroom
Daniel the Druid 1 xp GM:  first
Arol the Bard 1 xp GM:  elderprince
Aquarius the Ocean Spirit 1 xp GM:  triclopyr
Johnny the God 0 xp GM:  mushroom
Sokol the Wip 0 xp GM:  jacesilvers
Blitz the Swordsman 0 xp GM:  bluephoenix
Example the Ranger 0 xp GM:  mushroom
Blitz the Swordsman 0 xp GM:  minty
Blitz the Magic Swordsman 0 xp GM:  canibalberga
Groose the Bard 0 xp GM:  mushroom
Mush the Best 0 xp GM:  mushroom
Ten the Blue Blur 0 xp GM:  thepoofy
Luke the Skywalker 0 xp GM:  elderprince
Darant the Bard 0 xp GM:  etherealfawn
MarKo the Warrior 0 xp GM:  mushroom
Niles the Dark Mage 0 xp GM:  cgore
Luna the Teacher 0 xp GM:  mushroom
Carter the Inventor 0 xp GM:  nyzrfyrn
Daniel the Graffiti Artist 0 xp GM:  mushroom
Komano the Dragon Slayer 0 xp GM:  pear
Shroom the Archer 0 xp GM:  mushroom
Daddy the Blue 0 xp GM:  mushroom
Leoster the Swift 0 xp GM:  gongrath
George the Tech Guru 0 xp GM:  aluconix
Johnny the Placeholder 0 xp GM:  hammer
Vincewor the Warrior 0 xp GM:  herbdashwell
Daniel the Blackwatch Rookie 0 xp GM:  tourneyguy
Beta Tester
Completed Profile
Wanderer - 100 pxp
Adventurer - 1,000 pxp
Following 10 GMs
Played with 5 GMs
Played with 10 GMs