Online Tabletop Roleplaying Game


PXP / Rank 20740  ·  Legend ?
Location America
Special Ability Fluffiness
Player Experience Points (PXP)

You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.

You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.

It is updated up to an hour after each session.

Profile Ranks

100 Wanderer
1000 Adventurer
5000 Hero
10000 Avatar
20000 Legend
30000 Immortal
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Characters  81
Treasures  11
Followers  22 / 44
Membership Advanced
Joined 04.22.2018
Last Visit 04.08.2024
XP Recv'd 1007
XP Given 52
Hey, Im The Poofy, Im also called Fluffy. Im very new to tabletop rpg overall and am still learning (espicially on how to make a character that isnt accidentally OP, Im still trying to figure out what numbers are too high and too low). So far, Ive figured out that I like journey rpgs with a team, although I cant say I enjoy fighting. I am mostly available in the weekends, but I have more time on Sundays.
Lariet the Child Merchant 100 xp GM:  awalnut
Yiro the Polite Assassin 100 xp GM:  nekoknight
EightyFive the Woman of 0s and 1s 72 xp GM:  awalnut
Saria the Transmuter 63 xp GM:  trotrigar
Aura the Queen 60 xp GM:  jungle
Kally the Hunter 53 xp GM:  lobbelbob
Levi the Cute Demon 50 xp GM:  bustamark
Lucri the Archer 49 xp GM:  megainferno
Nila the Neko Assassin 44 xp GM:  nekoknight
Zilly the Xenomorph 36 xp GM:  jungle
Eren the Controlling 36 xp GM:  jungle
Ariel the Conjurer 35 xp GM:  trotrigar
Elizabeth the Incredibly Fast 32 xp GM:  jungle
Elia the Inventor 22 xp GM:  jungle
Alexandra the Warrior 17 xp GM:  jungle
Lilliath the Cute Elf 14 xp GM:  jungle
Ariel the Goddess of Water 14 xp GM:  jungle
Era the Still Tired No Shit 13 xp GM:  pyrak
Eren the Teen 12 xp GM:  trotrigar
Aron the Hunter 12 xp GM:  minty
Airena the Princess 10 xp GM:  defparagon
Aura the Strict 10 xp GM:  potatoskato
Arabella the Neko Thief 10 xp GM:  sgatthewolf
Fauren the Hunter 10 xp GM:  etherealfawn
Esla the Knight 10 xp GM:  awalnut
Dremora the Warrior 10 xp GM:  xiii1996
Kinla the Young Warrior 9 xp GM:  saneki
Arroet the The Stealing Bard 9 xp GM:  hymirius999
Kally the Hunter 8 xp GM:  dudesmaximus
Alexa the Nurse 8 xp GM:  johntom
Amora the Crazy Cat Lady 8 xp GM:  jungle
Allison the Scientist 6 xp GM:  jungle
Rascal the Thief 6 xp GM:  bluephoenix
Eren the Run N' Gun 5 xp GM:  caviar
Azora the Undead Hunter 5 xp GM:  caviar
Lexi the Hunter 5 xp GM:  llamascanfly
Lima the Hulk 5 xp GM:  awalnut
Sylvia the Amateur Hero 4 xp GM:  wifi
Ally the Photographer 4 xp GM:  jungle
Wila the Feisty Goblin 4 xp GM:  awalnut
Farrah the Sharpshooter 4 xp GM:  eternallist
Luk the Mistress of Shadows 4 xp GM:  pyrak
Xalia the Electrifier 3 xp GM:  trotrigar
Akra the Deceiving Archer 3 xp GM:  megainferno
Andrea the Troubled Thief 3 xp GM:  ghostsystem
Eriela the Grave Robber 2 xp GM:  dramaticque
Faria the Hunter 1 xp GM:  trotrigar
Elaira the Impatient Trainer 1 xp GM:  eternallist
Ena the Something! 0 xp GM:  nekoknight
Len'ya the Confused Archer 0 xp GM:  awalnut
Levi the Cute Leviathan 0 xp GM:  meepowolf
Ashely the Nice 0 xp GM:  gongrath
Six the Dark Good 0 xp GM:  awalnut
Eren the Student 0 xp GM:  ninjarod
Arika the Civilian 0 xp GM:  iian
Aria the Healer 0 xp GM:  jgrace
Aria the Warrior 0 xp GM:  johntom
Liora the Something! 0 xp GM:  ripripla
Poofy the Cookie Gunner 0 xp GM:  nekoknight
Varia the Tavern Keeper 0 xp GM:  austintm
Aria the Blacksmith 0 xp GM:  papafrog
Ellora the Thief 0 xp GM:  araldyn
Alexandra the Rusher 0 xp GM:  saneki
Emily the Someting 0 xp GM:  jungle
Ariela the Something 0 xp GM:  dropdead
Ria the Something 0 xp GM:  ripripla
Hailey the Thief 0 xp GM:  dropdead
Amelia the Soldier 0 xp GM:  jungle
Alexandra the Warrior 0 xp GM:  mushroom
Jazz the Inventing Liar 0 xp GM:  jungle
Amelia the The Something 0 xp GM:  mysteryman21
Winter the Cat Burglar 0 xp GM:  crimsnwaffle
Lisma the Hunter 0 xp GM:  bluephoenix
Amelia the Hunter 0 xp GM:  kingkobra
Andrea the Ranger 0 xp GM:  elderprince
Fauren the Hunter 0 xp GM:  yummypancake
Ellora the Merciful 0 xp GM:  jungle
Aura the Towns Person 0 xp GM:  costilord
Tabitha the Ranger 0 xp GM:  fenrirwolf
Esmeralda the Magician 0 xp GM:  crimsnwaffle
Andras the Thief 0 xp GM:  valarian
Beta Tester
Completed Profile
Wanderer - 100 pxp
Adventurer - 1,000 pxp
Hero - 5,000 pxp
Avatar - 10,000 pxp
Legend - 20,000 pxp
Following 10 GMs
Played with 5 GMs
Played with 10 GMs