PXP / Rank | 30658 · Immortal ? |
Location | Usaaaa! |
Special Ability | Guilt-Trips, Viking |
Player Experience Points (PXP)
You automatically gain PXP by playing in Fabletop sessions.
You earn more by being the GM, and playing in larger groups.
It is updated up to an hour after each session.
Profile Ranks
0 | Apprentice |
100 | Wanderer |
1000 | Adventurer |
5000 | Hero |
10000 | Avatar |
20000 | Legend |
30000 | Immortal |
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Characters 46
Treasures 15
Followers 153 / 62
Membership | Advanced |
Joined | 01.22.2019 |
Last Visit | 10.16.2022 |
XP Recv'd | 186 |
XP Given | 3132 |
I've been playing Fabletop for almost 4 years now, and have made a few tables in my time here. I'm what you'd call a 'forever DM/GM'.
My most Famous one so far is the Prolux Series...
I really have nothing else to say, except...
YOU DO NOT KNOW DE WAE! -- shot for old meme --
Meepowolf (for character creation)
Logic does not apply to my table, and should never be said or referred to, if you must, call it " the l word".
I don't do coincidence on my table.
I don't care if you have depression, suicidal thought, etc. As long as you don't actively or purposely cause problems on the table, we will be fine.
I welcome new players with open arms!
Vech's name rhymes with "mech", NOT with "sketch".
Yeetus Yeetus I need you to Delete this.
Yeetus Yeetus I demand you delete this.
Sanity is for the sensible, sensibility is for the sane.
Hold thine horses.
Well, ya lost. But hey, A fights a fight, keep improvin' and fightin'!
Mountains of Moola!
Begonagus Metagameacus Playeracus!
Hope can be the greatest motivator of the universe, or the world's greatest liar.
Yeetus deletus, Vech mustn't see this.
Possibly going to get back into hosting.
The Authorian Conflict: Isle Invasion (Probably on Eternal Hiatus)
Prolux: The True Evil (Done)
Limbo (Placeholder)
The New Hope (Never really existed?)
Some weird kingdom thing (Probably on Eternal Hiatus)
The Curse of Alkavi (Probably on Eternal Hiatus)
My most Famous one so far is the Prolux Series...
I really have nothing else to say, except...
YOU DO NOT KNOW DE WAE! -- shot for old meme --
Meepowolf (for character creation)
Logic does not apply to my table, and should never be said or referred to, if you must, call it " the l word".
I don't do coincidence on my table.
I don't care if you have depression, suicidal thought, etc. As long as you don't actively or purposely cause problems on the table, we will be fine.
I welcome new players with open arms!
Vech's name rhymes with "mech", NOT with "sketch".
Yeetus Yeetus I need you to Delete this.
Yeetus Yeetus I demand you delete this.
Sanity is for the sensible, sensibility is for the sane.
Hold thine horses.
Well, ya lost. But hey, A fights a fight, keep improvin' and fightin'!
Mountains of Moola!
Begonagus Metagameacus Playeracus!
Hope can be the greatest motivator of the universe, or the world's greatest liar.
Yeetus deletus, Vech mustn't see this.
Possibly going to get back into hosting.
The Authorian Conflict: Isle Invasion (Probably on Eternal Hiatus)
Prolux: The True Evil (Done)
Limbo (Placeholder)
The New Hope (Never really existed?)
Some weird kingdom thing (Probably on Eternal Hiatus)
The Curse of Alkavi (Probably on Eternal Hiatus)
Slenderman the | 100 xp | GM: bustamark | |
Aarav the Watchman | 37 xp | GM: alkwyzheir | |
Jeff the Demented Sadist | 27 xp | GM: nekoknight | |
Jeff the Madman | 27 xp | GM: greyline | |
Jeff the 1st Division Corp | 20 xp | GM: finesse | |
Anec the Holy Warrior | 20 xp | GM: xiii1996 | |
Mors the Smithy Scribe | 19 xp | GM: finesse | |
Azec the Holy Warrior | 13 xp | GM: bustamark | |
Azec the Holy Warrior | 5 xp | GM: crimsnwaffle | |
Harlwick the Lost Soul | 4 xp | GM: lichwood | |
Jeff the Meme Knight | 4 xp | GM: xenotheoddst | |
Brian the Observer | 4 xp | GM: yummypancake | |
Drogar the Traveler | 4 xp | GM: bustamark | |
Groot the I Am | 4 xp | GM: jungle | |
Nick the Eye Boi | 3 xp | GM: darainman | |
Francis the Chivalrous Swordsman | 3 xp | GM: pyrak | |
Trik the Ice User | 3 xp | GM: jungle | |
Jeff the Normal Mortal | 2 xp | GM: jungle | |
Troy the Boi | 0 xp | GM: lovecraftian | |
Cop the Cop | 0 xp | GM: papafrog | |
Trovsky the Existing | 0 xp | GM: cohaki | |
Ochoa the Unlucky Bastard | 0 xp | GM: cohaki | |
SoYouCan the See Me Typing | 0 xp | GM: slackernuke | |
Brian the Aged Researcher | 0 xp | GM: mysteryman21 | |
Tahmat the Half Orc Mechanic | 0 xp | GM: verysadgirl | |
Gm-two the Gm | 0 xp | GM: finesse | |
Bustamark- the Creator | 0 xp | GM: bustamark | |
Alob the Orichalcum Miner | 0 xp | GM: vechmaster | |
Invasor the Invasor | 0 xp | GM: finesse | |
Sven the Bard | 0 xp | GM: meepowolf | |
Invader the Invader | 0 xp | GM: finesse | |
Jeff the Drinking Brewer | 0 xp | GM: ninjarod | |
Tridus the Inflictor | 0 xp | GM: justjoined | |
O'Ryan the Energetic Occultist | 0 xp | GM: araldyn | |
Jeff' the Madman | 0 xp | GM: greyline | |
Jericho the Blue Yeeter Ranger | 0 xp | GM: bustamark | |
Memeland the Meme | 0 xp | GM: awalnut | |
Land-of the Oil | 0 xp | GM: awalnut | |
Tinland the Land of Tin | 0 xp | GM: awalnut | |
O'Connor the Ex Soldier | 0 xp | GM: lokiodinson | |
Jeef the Neat | 0 xp | GM: anesthesia01 | |
Brian the Observer | 0 xp | GM: eternallist | |
Krakar the World Destroyer | 0 xp | GM: lunarglare | |
Busta the Listener | 0 xp | GM: jungle | |
O'Connor the Rifleman | 0 xp | GM: bustamark | |
Azec the Holy Warrior | 0 xp | GM: dramaticque |
Beta Tester | |
Completed Profile | |
Wanderer - 100 pxp | |
Adventurer - 1,000 pxp | |
Hero - 5,000 pxp | |
Avatar - 10,000 pxp | |
Legend - 20,000 pxp | |
Immortal - 30,000 pxp |
Following 10 GMs | |
Following 50 GMs | |
Played with 5 GMs | |
Played with 10 GMs |